Productions by Calle Fuhr and Ran Chai Bar-zvi are part of “radikal jung” Festival 2024

The Munich Volkstheater has announced the program for this year’s “radikal jung” festival:
included are the productions DAS GROSSE HEFT by Ágota Kristóf (directed by / stage adaptation by: Ran Chai Bar-zvi) and DAS KRAFTWERK – Ein Theaterabend über Wasser, Kohle und die Ewigkeit by Calle Fuhr (directed by: Afram Tafreshian).

DAS GROSSE HEFT plays on Sunday, April 21, 2024 at 8:00 p.m.
DAS KRAFTWERK – a Theater Evening about Water, Coal and Eternity plays on Monday, April 22, 2024 at 8:00 p.m.

The aim of the festival is to promote the new generation of theater makers, to follow their thematic and aesthetic preferences and to present a modern theater landscape to both a professional audience and a broad public. The jury consisted of: Jens Hillje, Christine Wahl, C. Bernd Sucher and Florian Fischer.

The festival will take place from April 19 to April 27, 2024.
Program & tickets: link

30.03.2024: Premiere HOUSE OF KARLS from & with Dlé

A very entertaining rap spectacle about Charlemagne
from & with Dlé
Director: Florian Hertweck
Music & text: Dlé (Florian Hertweck, Malcolm Kemp, Tim Knapper)
at Theater Aachen

What do we really know about Charlemagne? Christian emperor and womaniser, illiterate and educational reformer, “Builder of Europe” and bloodthirsty warmonger – the sources are biased and thin – the best conditions for a theatre play!
Information & tickets

27.03.2024: Fritzi Wartenberg stages MALINA at Berliner Ensemble

from Igenborg Bachmann
Stage adoptation: Fritzi Wartenberg
Directed by: Fritzi Wartenberg
am Berliner Ensemble

What does it feel like to be free in love and to be able to say “me” in a world that aknowledges no “us”?
Ingeborg Bachmann’s novel, adapted for the stage by Fritzi Wartenberg, examines what does it mean when one’s hopes do not coincide with social expectations.
Information & tickets

16.03.2024: Premiere AUFSTIEG UND FALL DES HERRN RENÉ BENKO by & with Calle Fuhr

from & with Calle Fuhr
in cooperation with  DOSSIER
at Volkstheater Wien

In his play, Calle Fuhr uncovers the evil machinations behind property speculation, gentrification and fraud. As he unveils one scandal after another in the most entertaining way, one can’t help but stunning. At the end, you begin to ask yourself who can actually be trusted.

Information & tickets

8.03.2024: Premiere KEIMZELLEN by Rébecca Déraspe at Theater Duisburg

KEIMZELLEN by Rébecca Déraspe
Director: Michael Steindl
German translator: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau

Aude and Lou are best friends. For 35 years they have been able to find solace in each other’s sorrows. Now Aude is pregnant and her fetus has trisomy 21. Lou insists on an abortion, Aude wants to keep the child.
The two ruthlessly argue about life and their own values – a declaration of love to female friendship.

The premiere will take place on Friday, March 8, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.
Tickets & further dates: link

7.03.2024: Premiere DER VEREIN by Steffen Link at Schauspielhaus Wien

Director: Theresa Thomasberger

There’s not much to do in a small German town, which is why a group of adults get together to form a Bible reading group. Gradually, the self-appointed pastor becomes a fanatical leader who makes decisions about the lives of the members of his ‘association’.

The world premiere will take place on Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. at Schauspielhaus Wien.
Tickets & further dates: link

24.02.2024: ELLEN BABIĆ by Marius von Mayenburg at Berliner Ensemble

ELLEN BABIĆ by Marius von Mayenburg
Director: Oliver Reese

When Astrid invites her supervisor Wolfram Balderkamp for an informal work meeting, her partner Klara is outraged. Balderkamp teaches at the same school where Klara was Astrid’s pupil ten years ago. What happens when he remembers her?
Like a spider, Wolfram prowls through the apartment and weaves a dangerous questioning web: where did the two of them meet? and when exactly? What happened with this one girl on the school trip?

The German-language premiere will take place on Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 8:00 p.m.
Tickets & further dates