15.12.2023: Ran Chai Bar-zvi stages BLUTBUCH by Kim de L’Horizon at Staatstheater Hannover

BLUTBUCH by Kim de L’Horizon
Director, set & video designer: Ran Chai Bar-zvi

What happens to a person when their tyrannical grandmother dies? Does a formative piece of a family history become buried or is one suddenly empowered to rewrite their own biography, to reinvent their identity, even their mother tongue?
Director and costume & set designer Ran Chai Bar-zvi stages Kim de L’Horizon’s cult novel BLUTBUCH (German premiere), exploring new narrative forms and switching between genres.

The premiere will take place on December 15, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
Tickets & more information

9.12.2023: Premiere BUCKET LIST by Yael Ronen & Shlomi Shaban at Schaubühne Berlin

BUCKET LIST by Yael Ronen & Shlomi Shaban
Directed by: Yael Ronen

In BUCKET LIST, Yael Ronen reflects on memory mechanisms: What would we to keep in memory before kicking the bucket? Can memories of unpleasant, painful and conflict-ridden events be readjusted with technological help? And if we start to artificially edit our personal memories, what does this step mean for the entire collective memory culture?

This musical marks Yael Ronen’s second collaboration with Israeli songwriter Shlomi Shaban. The duo impressed critics and audiences alike with their hit production SLIPPERY SLOPE at the Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin (invited to the 2022 Theatertreffen).

The premiere of BUCKET LIST is on December 9, 2023 at 8 p.m. at the Schaubühne Berlin.
Further dates are: 13 Dec., 14 Dec., 15 Dec., 16 Dec. 2023, at 8 p.m.
Tickets & info

9.11.2023: Premiere MITLÄUFER by Noam Brusilovsky at Marstall/Bayerisches Staatstheater Munich

MITLÄUFER (Followers) from Noam Brusilovsky
Directed by: Noam Brusilovsky
Research & Text Assistance: Lotta Beckers

With this research project, author & director Noam Brusilovsky works for the first time at the Munich Residenztheater. MITLÄUFER (Followers) is a historical examination of the contradictory biographies of those who reached the top echelons of the theater due to close cooperation with the Nazi regime.

The play premieres on 9 November 2023 at 8:30 p.m.
Following dates & tickets

7.11.2023: Michel-Tremblay Award for Rébecca Déraspe

Rébecca Déraspe © Marc-Étienne

Rébecca Déraspe winns this year’s prestigious Michel Tremblay Prize for Drama. Déraspe was awarded for her latest play LES GLACES, which had its premiere at Théâtre de La Bordée in co-production with Théâtre de La Manufacture in fall 2022.

With a mixture of clarity and hope, anger and humour, Rébecca Déraspe presents a complex, committed and deeply human fiction about sexualized violence… One recognizes the undeniable talent, the great sensitivity and all the experience of the author in the harrowing monologues, the wonderful symbolic web that haunts the text, the dialogues of impeccable precision and the impeccably taut thread of the dramatic structure.” – from the jury’s statement

IT’S BURNING by Erol Afşin at the 37th International Film Festival Braunschweig

Following its successful premiere at the 40th Munich Film Festival, Erol Afşin’s drama IT’S BURNING (ES BRENNT) is currently touring through festivals in Germany and Turkey. At the 37th Braunschweig International Film Festival, the debut will screen in the “New German Films“-category on November 7 and 11, both at 6:00 p.m.
Tickets available under this link.

D, feature, 88 min., 2022
Directed & written by: Erol Afşin

Amal, Omar and their son Ahmad are a happy Arab family living in Germany. In the playground, they meet a man named Franz. The situation gets out of hand when Franz insults and attacks Amal because of her headscarf. A court case is initiated. During the hearings, an incident occurs that will completely change the family’s life.
Based on a true story.

THREE THOUSAND NUMBERED PIECES in competition at the Cottbus Film Festival

Ádám Czászi’s second feature film THREE THOUSAND NUMBERED PIECES celebrates its German premiere at the Cottbus Film Festival. The film, which bitterly portrays the exploitation of a Romani theater troupe, is running in the competition with two screenings: on November 10th, at 5:00 p.m. in the Stadthalle & on November 11th, at 4:00 p.m. in Weltspiegel (Saal 2).
Tickets & information


Directed by: Ádám Császi
Written by: Ádám Császi, Balázs Lengyel
HUN, 2022, 93 min.


Erol Afşins drama IT’S BURNING winns Audience Award at the 3. Film Festival Oberschwaben

After the successful premiere at the 40th Munich Film Festival, Erol Afşin’s drama IT’S BURNING tours through festivals in Germany and Turkey.
At the 3rd Oberschwaben Film Festival, Afşin’s directorial debut wins the Audience Award.

DE, feature, 88 min., 2022
Written & directed by: Erol Afşin

Amal, Omar, and their son Ahmad are a happy Arab family living in Germany. At the playground, they encounter a man named Franz. The situation gets out of hand when Franz insults and attacks Amal because of her headscarf. The case goes to court, but an incident during the hearing changes everything for the family.
Based on real events.

23.10.2023: Ádám Czászi’s film will open the 7th International Festival of Romani Film


Directed by: Ádám Császi
Written by: Ádám Császi und Balázs Lengyel
Hungary, 2022, 93 min.

A white director is rehearsing a play with five marginalized Roma actors. His play is supposed to reflect on their true life stories of abuse, drug addiction, and crime. However, instead of portraying the depth of their experiences, the actors are being exploited and their pain is being capitalized.

23 October 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
Screening & FAQ at Babylon Berlin

20.10.2023: Film evening with Eliza Petkova, Goethe-Institut Kyoto

Eliza Petkova, Shirin Sabahi and Zora Rux are three female filmmakers from Berlin and the current fellows at Villa Kamogawa in Kyoto. On October 20, at 4:00 p.m., they will show selected works from their cinematic oeuvre. Thus, Eliza Petkova will present her feature film ZHALEIKA (Director: Eliza Petkova, BG/DE, 92 min., 2016).
The artists will be available for direct exchange afterwards.

3 x Berlin
Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa
Kyoto, Japan