“In “Planet B”, Yael Ronen and her co-writer Itai Reicher have not solely made a drama out of the highly topical environmental theme, but rather spun a witty sci-fi comedy in the light, Ronenian twist and development style. […] Errors and confusions, in which edge and center, cause and effect, but above all all all social themes and discourses fly around in the most beautiful way and unleash truths that are stuck in hard, is what makes Ronen’s theater so bright, funny and extremely human.” – Doris Meierhenrich, Berliner Zeitung (the quote originally in German)
World premiere was on June 8
Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin
Text: Yael Ronen & Itai Reicher
Directed by: Yael Ronen
A not-so-distant future: climate change has continued unabated, many species have already extincted, vast land areas are barely inhabitable… A race begins to see who deserves to survive. Welcome to the alien entertainment reality show, where humans compete with chicken, panda, ant, etc. for the repopulation of the Earth as the only surviving species!
Dates & tickets under this link (external)