13.12.2024: Premiere PLANET B by Yael Ronen & Itai Reicher at Theater Heidelberg

by Yael Ronen & Itai Reicher

Premiere on December 13, 2024 at Theater and Orchester Heidelnberg
Director: Cilli Drexel

In the not-so-distant future, climate change has continued unabated, many species are already extinct, vast areas are barely habitable… A race begins to see who deserves to survive. Welcome to the alien entertainment reality show in which humans compete with chickens, pandas, ants, crocodiles and foxes to recolonize the earth as the only surviving species.
Dates & tickets

11.12.2024: Kurt-Hübner Directing Prize for Ran Chai Bar-zvi

Ran Chai Bar-zvi receives the Kurt Hübner Directing Prize for his production of “Blutbuch”, based on the novel by Kim de l’Horizon, at the Staatstheater Hannover. The decision was made by Almut Wagner, head dramaturge at the Residenztheater and sole juror for the Kurt Hübner Directing Prize. “Ran Chai Bar-zvi always handles even large, existential material with lightness and an incredible instinct for entertainment, […] yet he never runs the risk of trivializing the serious core of the plays,” emphasizes Almut Wagner – as in ‘Blutbuch’, the work for which Ran Chai Bar-zvi receives the prize.

The award has been presented to young directors by the German Academy of Performing Arts since 1991 as part of the Eysoldt Prize ceremony in Bensheim. The prize is endowed with 5000 euros.

BLUTBUCH by Kim de l’Horizon
stage adaptation by Ran Chai Bar-zvi and Michael Letmathe
Premiere was in December 2023 at the Staatstheater Hannover.
Dates & tickets

6.12.2024: Sam Hunter’s THE WHALE – start of the tour with Konzertdirektion Landgraf

by Samuel Hunter
Translated & directed by: Stephan Hoffmann

December 6, 2024 – Start of the tour of the Konzertdirektion Landgraf at Theater Nienburg.

Charlie is in his mid-40s and teaches college students English literature. Exclusively online, with the camera switched off. Because Charlie is extremely overweight. He lives in isolation and has long since lost touch with his ex-wife and his 17-year-old daughter Ellie, who is difficult to raise.
Charlie’s interaction with the outside world is limited to home visits from his nurse friend Liz, who finds Charlie’s physical decline difficult to bear, and from the young missionary Elder Thomas.
When the consequences of the illness become life-threatening, Charlie finally makes contact with Ellie.

The film adaptation of “The Whale” (D: Darron Aronofsky) won Brandon Fraser the Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role in 2023.


Eliza Petkova’s THE WORKER wins Eurimages Co-Production Development Award as Best Project at 28th PÖFF Tallinn

On November 15-22, 2024, the Black Nights Film Festival took place in Tallinn for the 28th time. The film THE WORKER by Eliza Petkova (in development)  was presented as part of the Baltic Event Co-Production Market and won the Eurimages Co-Production Development Award for Best Project.
Jury’s statement: “With the experience of immigration within Europe as a starting point, this project takes us, and the protagonist, on an unexpected journey. A journey during which the director invites us to rethink the meaning of community and masculinity.

THE WORKER (dt. “Der Arbeiter”)
Director & screenplay: Eliza Petkova
Producer: Nicolas Kronauer
Produced by: ROW Pictures GmbH, Fourmat Film GmbH
Germany, Bulgaria

After a mine collapse, Georgi – a Roma man and a father in his late twenties – leaves his family in Bulgaria for Germany. He switches jobs, facing exploitation as an undocumented worker. His desire to maintain the image of a luxurious life in rich Germany leads him to construct a facade far from his truth.

29.11.2024: Fritzi Wartenberg directs BIEDERMANN UND DIE BRANDSTIFTER at Berliner Ensemble

by Max Frisch

Director: Fritzi Wartenberg
at Berliner Ensemble

Biedermann is outraged by the arsonists who have been starting fire everywhere – at least while he is at his local pub or on social media. But when they actually knock on his door, he politely asks them in, even though they make no attempt to hide their intentions. You have to have manners, after all. And you have to be civil: they are just two harmless peddlers. And if they aren’t, it’s better not to make an enemy of them. It would be unwise to afford that, even though you can afford (almost) everything else. Written as a political parable, the play targets a mindset that contributes to the success of destructive forces. How does it happen? Why, what for and by who are the impulses to understand simply pushed aside?

Premiere is on November 29, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.
Further dates & tickets

23.11.2024: Premiere PLANET B by Yael Ronen & Itai Reicher at Theater Magdeburg

by Yael Ronen & Itai Reicher

Premiere on November 23, 2024 at Theater Magdeburg
Director: Nick Hartnagel

In the not-so-distant future, climate change has continued unabated, many species are already extinct, vast areas are barely habitable… A race begins to see who deserves to survive. Welcome to the alien entertainment reality show in which humans compete with chickens, pandas, ants, crocodiles and foxes to recolonize the earth as the only surviving species.
Dates & tickets

8.11.2024: Premiere GRAND HORIZONS by Bess Wohl at Theater Bielefeld

by Bess Wohl
German translation by lynn t musiol & Christian Tschirner

Premiere at Theater Bielefeld
Director: Dariusch Yazdkhasti

After fifty years of marriage, Nancy says out of the blue at the dinner table: “I think I want a divorce.” Her husband agrees and continues eating undisturbed. Her two sons, on the other hand, don’t like the decision at all. They try to change their parents’ minds – and in doing so, they are fighting for themselves: one wants to save his image of family, the other fears cracks in his traditional role as a man and soon-to-be father. In the end, despite the divorce, everyone starts talking and listening to each other. And suddenly there it is: the possibility of loving each other!

DER VEREIN by Steffen Link has been nominated for Nestroy Theater Award 2024

Steffen Link is nominated for Best Play – Nestroy Author Award with his debut DER VEREIN.
The award ceremony will take place on November 24, 2024 at the Volkstheater Vienna.
Click here for the jury’s statement

DER VEREIN (en. The Club) by Steffen Link
Free for a German premiere
The world premiere was in March 2024 at Schauspielhaus Wien (director: Theresa Thomasberger)

A housing estate on the edge of a small town – Stefan grows up in this idyllic terraced house. Between family strife and everyday school life, a third factor determines the teenager’s life: his parents have joined a free Christian church. The sheltered community has grown over the years. Who wouldn’t want to have the Savior himself as their best friend? But this friendship is not a gift. The members have to bear witness to each other about their lifestyle, their dreams and their desires. Those who disappoint Jesus are in danger of falling deeply. And Stefan must fear that this is exactly what will happen to him. Because he dreams of theater, and he desires men, which pleases neither the Messiah nor his club.

World premiere for SILENT OBSERVERS by Eliza Petkova, IDFA 2024


On November 16, 2024, Eliza Petkova’s SILENT OBSERVERS will celebrate its world premiere at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA). The 37th edition of IDFA will take place from November 14 to 24, 2024.

DE/BG, 96 min, 2024
Director, screenplay, editor: Eliza Petkova
Director of photography: Constanze Schmitt
Production: Red Carpet, Wood Water Films, rbb

As the population declines in a remote, run-down Bulgarian village, a traditional way of life comes to an end: the camera follows the last remaining inhabitants from the perspective of domesticated animals. Did the neighbor punish her violent son and turn him into a donkey? Is the cat possessed by a vampire? The villagers’ superstitions are fascinating and mysterious, and their affection for the animals contrasts with the raw way of treating them. With great attention to detail and passion for her four-legged protagonists, Eliza Petkova concentrates on portraying the animals without attributing thoughts or feelings to them.

Prix Italia for “EXZESS: Eine Techno-Oper” by Noam Brusilovsky & Tobias Purfürst

The 76th edition of PRIX ITALIA took place in Turin from October 1 to 4, 2024 under the title “Loud and Clear”. The production “EXZESS: A Techno Opera” by Noam Brusilovsky and Tobias Purfürst won in the “Radio & Podcast Music” category.