6.07.2023: Premiere SLIPPERY SLOPE. Almost a Musical, Metropoltheater Munich

The five [Emre Aksızoğlu, Anastasia Gubareva, Riah Knight, Lindy Larsson, Vidina Popov] can all really belt out an excellent song, which they do, one timely and versatile Shlomi Shaban hit after another moving the action forward, to much applause, and ultimately even a standing ovation after the earworm finale. It’s a hell of a lot of fun. – Sandra Sarala, Exberliner

SLIPPERY SLOPE. Almost a musical
by Yael Ronen & Shlomi Shaban
Directed by: Philipp Moschitz

Premiere on July 6, at 7:30 p.m.
Metropoltheater Munich

A musician who has been canceled is now celebrating his comeback. He wants to save his sweetheart from a greedy producer. A promising newcomer launches her solo career and accuses her ex-partner of a power abuse. An editor stands up for the rights of the oppressed. And a young journalist aims to enveil the Truth. The good guys are the good guys and the bad guys are the bad guys.
But can it really be that simple? Who benefits most from which narrative – and whose narrative ultimately prevails? In this story, everyone uses everyone else, and the search for love and truth is also the aspiration for fame and power.

In German language, w/ songs in English.
Dates & tickets under this link (external content)

27.06.2023: Premiere IT’S BURNING by Erol Afşin, Filmfest Munich

DE, feature movie, 88 min., 2022
Script & direction: Erol Afşin

Still from “It’s Burning“ © Stereo Films München GmbH

Amal, Omar, and their son Ahmad are a happy Arab family living in Germany. At the playground, they encounter a man named Franz. The situation gets out of hand when Franz insults and attacks Amal because of her headscarf. The case goes to court, but an incident during the hearing changes everything for the family.
Based on real events.

Further screenings & tickets under this link.

World premiere for Yael Ronen’s PLANET B at Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin

In “Planet B”, Yael Ronen and her co-writer Itai Reicher have not solely made a drama out of the highly topical environmental theme, but rather spun a witty sci-fi comedy in the light, Ronenian twist and development style. […] Errors and confusions, in which edge and center, cause and effect, but above all all all social themes and discourses fly around in the most beautiful way and unleash truths that are stuck in hard, is what makes Ronen’s theater so bright, funny and extremely human.” – Doris Meierhenrich, Berliner Zeitung (the quote originally in German)

World premiere was on June 8
Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin

Text: Yael Ronen & Itai Reicher
Directed by: Yael Ronen

A not-so-distant future: climate change has continued unabated, many species have already extincted, vast land areas are barely inhabitable… A race begins to see who deserves to survive. Welcome to the alien entertainment reality show, where humans compete with chicken, panda, ant, etc. for the repopulation of the Earth as the only surviving species!

Dates & tickets under this link (external)

10.6.2023: Athena Farrokhzad invited to poesiefestival berlin

Athena Farrokzhad © Märta Thisner

The 24th edition of the poesiefestival berlin will take place from June 9 to June 16, 2023 at Akademie der Künste on the Hanseatenweg.

Panel WRITING VIOLENCE on language of violence, w/ Athena Farrokzhad amongst others on Saturday,  June 10 at 7:30 p.m.
Panel WRITING MOTHERHOOD on describing existential questions of motherhood and its archetypes, w/ Athena Farrokzhad amongst others on Wednesday, June 14 at 7:30 p.m.

poesiefestival berlin is a project by Haus für Poesie in cooperation with Akademie der Künste and is supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds and by Deutscher Literaturfonds e.V. as part of the “Neustart Kultur” program of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

Full festival program & tickets under this link (external)

16.06.2023: Helene Weigel Award ceremony for Fritzi Wartenberg

Fritzi Wartenberg © Anna Breit

This year’s Helene Weigel Theater Prize for outstanding artistic achievements goes to the emerging director Fritzi Wartenberg. The prize is awarded by the Berliner Ensemble ehere Fritzi Wartenberg has already staged two productions – Ella Hickson’s THE WRITER and ALIAS ANASTASIUS based on a text by Matter*Verse.

The award ceremony will take place on June 16 as part of the WORX-Werkschau, following the performance of THE WRITER (starts at 5:00 p.m.) at the Neues Haus.

Furthermore, Fritzi Wartenberg sets up a staged reading KANYE WEST ODER DIE VEGANEN FRIKADELLEN VON ALDI (text: Fritzi Wartenberg) at the Berliner Ensemble/Werkraum on Saturday, June 17 at 4:00 p.m.

The last production of ALIAS ANASTASIUS can be also seen there on June 17 at 6:00 p.m.


9.06.2023: CAA award for Lisa Wentz, staged reading at Schaubühne Berlin

Lisa Wentz © Ksenia Les

Lisa Wentz has been awarded the Contemporary Arts Alliance (CAA) Berlin Prize for Drama 2023.

The Contemporary Arts Alliance (CAA) Berlin is a platform for private commitment to the promotion of contemporary culture in Berlin. CAA Berlin awards a one-time scholarship to an emerging playwright in the Studio of the Schaubühne Berlin.

On 9th of June, at 7:30 p.m.: award ceremony and staged reading with ensemble members
Studio / Schaubühne Berlin
Tickets under this link (external)

29.05.2023: Tina Satter’s debut REALITY airs on HBO

REALITY by Tina Satter © MAX

HBO Films’ REALITY debuts MONDAY, MAY 29 at 10 p.m. ET/PT. The film will air on HBO and will be available to stream on Max. REALITY celebrated it’s premiere on 18 February 2023 to rave reviews at the 2023 Berlin International Film Festival.

Written and directed by: Tina Satter
Based on Tina Satter’s play IS THIS A ROOM, 2019
Starring: Sydney Sweeney (as Reality), Josh Hamilton, Marchánt Davis