18.02.2023 World premiere of Tina Satter’s debut film REALITY at the Berlinale

Tina Satter’s film is based on her successful play IS THIS A ROOM and will be screened at the Berlinale in the Panorama section.
IS THIS A ROOM was initially created as an Off-Broadway production. Due to its great success, the play then also ran on Broadway starting in the fall of 2021. Subsequently, the production made guest appearances at international festivals in Europe (including the Wiener Festwochen, FIND Festival/Schaubühne Berlin).
In parallel, Tina shot REALITY, starring Sydney Sweeney (pictured) and Josh Hamilton.

Young U.S. Air Force employee Reality Winner is suspected of whistleblowing. FBI agents first search her home, then begin a grueling interrogation.

PISTEN by Penda Diouf awarded as AUDIO BOOK OF THE YEAR 2022

“In speaking of these deep, lingering wounds that colonialism and racism have inflicted, and how she speaks of them, Diouf does the only thing that can perhaps help heal trauma at least a little bit: She brings them out of the repressed, the concealed, the forgotten into our consciousness, and she does it in such a poetic and empathetic way that when we listen to them, they also deeply touch white people, descendants of the European colonial powers, and move them to think about the causes of these wounds and to relate to them.” – The jury’s statement on the selection of the 2022 Radio Play of the Year.

The award ceremony will take place on Friday, March 3, 2023, at the Funkhaus Köln.
Start: 6:30 pm, free admission,
Registration required at <koelner-kongress.de>.

PISTONS by Penda Diouf
dt. by Annette Bühler-Dietrich
Director: Christine Nagel
Production: NDR
length: 80 min

For the radio play and the jury’s detailed statement, please follow this link.

Ran Chai Bar-Zvi (GER/ISR)

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