21. + 22.06.2024: bitter fields by les dramaturx at sophiensæle Berlin

Bitter Fields – Eine Recherche-Revue
by & with les dramaturx

les dramaturx ask themselves whether there really is a connection between the rise of the political right and climate change, and come to the bitter realization that they themselves are much more involved than they would like.

Guest performances on June 21 & June 22, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
Duration: 70 min
Hochzeitssaal @ sophiensæle Berlin


A production by les dramaturx in cooperation with OSTEN-Festival Bitterfeld-Wolfen. The guest performance takes place as part of the series DIE KUNST, VIELE ZU BLEIBEN. Nationwide Forums for Art, Freedom and Democracy, a series of events by the Fonds Darstellende Künste in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut, Chamäleon Berlin, fabrik Potsdam, FFT Düsseldorf, Hans Otto Theater Potsdam, HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts Dresden, HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Impulse Theater Festival, Kunstfest Weimar 2024, LOFFT – DAS THEATER Leipzig, OSTEN Festival Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Plattenstufen-Festspiele presented by PHOENIX Theaterfestival Erfurt, Residenz Schauspiel Leipzig, Societaetstheater Dresden, Sophiensӕle Berlin, Zentralwerk e. V. Dresden. Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR.


IT’S BURNING by Erol Afşin screens at Raindance Film Festival London

Erol Afşin’s feature film IT’S BURNING will screen at the London Raindance Film Festival! Based on a true story, the movie portrays an Arab family living in Germany whose life has been turned upside down after a racist attack.
IT’S BURNING is nominated for Best Debut Director, Best Director Feature and Best Performance in a Debut.

The Raindance Festival is the largest indie film festival in the UK and will take place for the 32nd time from June 19 – 28, 2024 in London’s West End.
Dates, venues & tickets

14.06.2024: Marco Damghani stages ENDGAME at Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin

ENDGAME by Juri Strenburg
Director: Marco Damghani

A play about soccer, the corrupt machinations behind the scenes and a determined person who finds him:herself in the right place (VIP box of the Berlin Olympic Stadium) at the right time (July 14, 2024 – final of the European Football Championship).

Premiere on June 14, 2024 at 7 p.m. in the Studio of Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin
Tickets & infos

6.06.2024: Calle Fuhr stages ALPHABET at Kasemattentheater Luxemburg

Director & set designer: Calle Fuhr

Inspired by the New Yorker’s story “Climate Change from A to Z”, author and director Calle Fuhr has created his own ‘climate alphabet’: the result is a cartography of the climate crisis from the invention of the carbon footprint, over climate denialist lobby organizations, to solutions that have been existant for years!

The premiere takes place on June 6, 2024, at 8 p.m.
More information & tickets: link