Athena Farrokzhad © Märta Thisner

Athena Farrokhzad (SWE)

is a poet, playwright, translator and literary critic.
She was born in Tehran in 1983 and grew up in Sweden. Between 2010 and 2022 she taught creative writing at Biskops-Arnös författarskola. Since 2022, she has been Director of Literature Department at the House of Culture in Stockholm. She has translated into Swedish works by Adrienne Rich, Audre Lorde, and Marguerite Duras.


2022 Åsnans år (dt. Eselstage), Albert Bonniers förlag Stockholm
2013 VITSVIT Lyrikband, Stockholm [translated into 15 languages]

Works (selection)



Premiere: National Theater Oslo, NO

Medea has walked a long way. Tormented by Moral, she falls into a dependency that leads to a permanent confrontation. In the hypnotizing maelstrom, the mutual accusations alternate: Who are the victims here and who are the perpetrators? Can there be justice for a betrayed woman? Is a mother allowed to dispose of her children’s bodies, to decide over their lives?